Hastings Planning Strategy 2011-2028
The Hastings Planning Strategy for 2011-2028 outlines several main aspirations along with practical measures to achieve them. Here is a summary:
Main Aspirations and Practical Measures
Achieve and Sustain a Thriving Economy
- Collaboration with Rother District Council: Ensure regeneration benefits the economy, environment, and communities of both Hastings and Bexhill.
- Retail Development: Provide 20,500m² of retail floorspace in the town centre by 2028.
- Education Support: Continue developing the education sector.
- Job Opportunities: Increase the supply and range of jobs in accessible locations to promote sustainable development.
- Telecommunications Infrastructure: Promote advanced telecommunications to enable flexible working and attract investors.
- Reduce Out-commuting: Provide more jobs locally to reduce commuting.
- Employment Land Retention: Retain and develop employment land and premises, along with new educational and research facilities.
- Economic Growth Sectors: Focus on hi-tech, knowledge-based, creative industries, manufacturing, and finance/insurance.
- Business Land Allocation: Allocate and protect land for business uses in key employment areas.
- Redevelopment of Older Employment Areas: Modernize older areas to meet current requirements.
- Accessible Jobs: Ensure job accessibility through improved transport, education, and skills training.
- Town Centre Development: Focus on employment in office, retail, leisure, cultural, and service sectors in the town centres.
- Natural Environment: Recognize the importance of a healthy natural environment for sustained economic growth and community well-being.
Ensure Decent and Affordable Housing
- New Dwellings: Provide at least 3,400 net new dwellings between 2011-2028.
- Use of Previously Developed Land: Prioritize housing on previously developed land to support regeneration.
- Housing Mix: Ensure an appropriate mix of housing in terms of tenure, price, type, size, and location.
- Affordable Housing: Increase the provision of affordable housing and improve the quality of existing housing.
- Town Centre Housing Opportunities: Identify opportunities for mixed-use schemes and make better use of space above shops, particularly in Central St Leonards.
Safeguard and Improve the Environment
- Biodiversity Protection: Enhance the town’s biodiversity through better habitat management.
- Historic Environment: Conserve the historic environment for future generations.
- Green Infrastructure Network: Develop a network of green spaces, routes, water features, and other environmental features.
- Open Spaces and Recreation: Provide well-designed, safe, and accessible open spaces and recreation facilities.
- Environmental Impact Reduction: Minimize the environmental impacts of development.
- High-Quality Development: Ensure high-quality design in new developments to enhance local character and identity.
- Service and Infrastructure Capacity: Ensure new developments occur where there is adequate capacity in existing services and infrastructure.
These aspirations and measures are part of a comprehensive plan to foster economic growth, improve living standards, and protect the environment, ensuring sustainable development for Hastings up to 2028.