Latest news from Bat and Bee Hastings: Join us to celebrate Halloween week at Bat and Bee On Thursday, come by to try our spooky cocktai…

Latest news from Bat and Bee Hastings: Join us to celebrate Halloween week at Bat and Bee On Thursday, come by to try our spooky cocktai…

Latest update from Bat and Bee, Hastings
2023-10-21 17:57:04

Join us to celebrate Halloween week at Bat and Bee 🐝 πŸŽƒ On Thursday, come by to try our spooky cocktails and challenge yourself at carving a pumpkin πŸŽƒ On Friday we are hosting a fancy dress party πŸŽ‰ Dress up and be in for a chance of winning our Best Costume prize 😏 See you all next week for spooky festivities πŸŽƒ
