Latest news from Bullet Cafe #herbivore and #carnivore unite with an #alldaybreakfast sometimes you may not have the same dietary…

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2022-08-18 07:19:23
#herbivore and #carnivore unite with an #alldaybreakfast sometimes you may not have the same dietary requirements but it’s still a good thing to be able to eat out together
Open today until Sunday from 9.30
Serving breakfast all day.
#plantbased, #omnivore, meat and #glutenfree options #brekkie #plantbasedlunch #nomeat #omnivores #veggie #gf #brunch #sausage #bacon #eggs #bakedbeans #tomato #mushroom #toast #alldaybreakfast #englishbreakfast. #brekkie #alldaybreakfast #englishbreakfast #alldaybrekkie #breakfastfryup #fryup #poachup #eggsandbacon #baconsausageandegg