Latest news from Bullet Cafe Saturday night from 6.30 lots of lovely music, food and new friends…

Latest update from Bullet Cafe/strong>
2022-08-19 13:51:59
Saturday night from 6.30 lots of lovely music, food and new friends
Meet the DJs:
Opening tomorrow night’s proceedings at 6.30 pm sharp we have 23 Skidoo and Ronin records heavy hitter Fritz Catlin – seen here playing the bongos at a Norwegian wedding (not a euphemism it’s
Wow and Flutter vinyl Power-Couple Tim Scullion and Susan McNally will be stepping up to the plate at 7pm followed by Silver Hill bard and Berth of the Cool naughty step recidivist Mike Delpeache at 7.30pm. I’ll be running down the clock on the first half of the night at 8pm with music from Jill Scott and the Sisters of Mercy among others, before returning champion Kim Cosmik takes thing up a notch at 8pm. She’ll be followed by… More