Latest news from Coastal Currents Hi…

Latest news from Coastal Currents Hi…

Latest update from Coastal Currents/strong>
2023-08-26 11:27:21

Hi 🙂

On Thursday 31st August Coastal Currents festival is showing my NEREIDS portraits at Electro Studios Project Space, accompanied by an informal talk/Q&A with two of our NEREIDS: Mandy Curtis, director of 18 Hours Events and Sally Greig, founder of Eggtooth.
Coastal Currents director Tina Morris will also be participating.
The talk will centre around how these inspirational women got into what they do, so please spread the word to any young people in your life who might be interested in learning more about a career in arts & culture ✨
Thanks and hope to see some of you there:
Nereids Launch with Informal Talk

