Latest news from Coastal Currents What a wonderful set of 3 talks with inspirational artists. Thank you so much to the The De La Warr …

Latest news from Coastal Currents What a wonderful set of 3 talks with inspirational artists. Thank you so much to the The De La Warr …

Latest update from Coastal Currents/strong>
2023-03-23 09:49:13

What a wonderful set of 3 talks with inspirational artists. Thank you so much to the The De La Warr Pavilion for hosting so beautifully. Thanks of course to all the artists who took part and gave such interesting insights into their practice, future plans and help for other creatives in how to get to where you want to go!

Hosts Erica Smith and Kenton Lowe were ever the professionals but fun and engaging, helping keep things on time!

Biggest thanks to…
Karen Arthur Menopause Whilst Black
Killa Kela Killa Kela
DJ Nikki Beatnik DJ NIKKI Beatnik
Jade Sullivan @thesullivanslondon
Polly Gifford @polly.gifford
Kate Bruce Katea Monstrous
Georgie Wheeler @g_wizz_wheeler
Req @req_spraypaintrealism
Alexander Brattell @alexanderbrattell
Ben Browton @benbrowton
Elpida Hadzi-Vasileva Elpida Hadzi-Vasileva
Jo McAllister Jo McAllister
Aaron Hosannah Aaron Hosannah
Jim Roseveare @jimroseveare
Mandy Curtis 18 Hours Events
Rebecca Youssefi @youssefir
Rowan Corkill @rowancorkill
Mark Daniels @boneyisland

Photos by Ethne Lever and Alexander Brattell

The audience were interactive, enthused and interested. What more could you wish for. Some really exciting projects were discussed that should keep the cogs whirring! Submissions open soon… Watch this space.

Thanks to Arts Council England for helping support these accessibility talks.
