Latest news from Hastings Tin Tin’s: Don’t forget Friday night is Comedyrama time at TinTins Bar!!! Septembers comedians are Stephen Catl…
Latest update from Hastings Tin Tin’s
2023-09-26 21:31:07
Don’t forget Friday night is Comedyrama time at TinTins Bar!!! Septembers comedians are Stephen Catling, Tristan Wolfe, Christingles McDoogle, Kevin Babstock, David Ingram, and Jude Montague! Hosted by the supreme Juliet Brando!
This is also us doing six months of Comedyrama!!! Come down and support like you fabulous people always do, so we can make it to a year!!!!
Free entry, so more money for Drinks!!! Hope to see you there!!! Dan Palmer