Latest news from Hastings Tin Tin’s: Tonight is Hastings Bonfire and the procession starts very near us! So come get a pint and enjoy the…

Latest news from Hastings Tin Tin’s: Tonight is Hastings Bonfire and the procession starts very near us! So come get a pint and enjoy the…

Latest update from Hastings Tin Tin’s
2023-10-14 09:07:07

‼️📣🔥Tonight is Hastings Bonfire and the procession starts very near us! So come get a pint and enjoy the festivities 🥳!

Happy bonfire!! 🔥 Reminders: Pelham Place car park is closed today ❌ Road closures begin at 5:30pm 🛑 The forecast looks perfect but we are waterproof and will go ahead in the event of the wet stuff 💧 And most importantly, all other FAQ answers can be found on our website:
