Latest news from Licence 2 Kale Late night shopping with a twist for the younger crowd in Rye!!…

Latest update from Licence 2 Kale/strong>
2023-10-30 08:40:00
Late night shopping with a twist for the younger crowd in Rye!!
Who here doesn’t love a bit of comedy and savagery??
So we managed to combine the two and created this AWESOME event for you to attend!!
AGAINST HUMANITY COMEDY EVENING!!Max teams of 6, with tickets at £3 per head, available to buy from today on our website!
Who’s coming to join us??
18/11/23 @7pm at Licence 2 Kale 55 The Mint – Rye
#cardsagainsthumanity #comedy #l2krye #vegan #plantbased #healthy #healthyfood #hastings #hastingstown #hastingsoldtown #hastingspier #stleonardsonsea #rye #ryeandcamber #cambersands #eastsussex #ryelatenightshopping #supportsmallbusiness