Latest news from Licence 2 Kale What do you know about Lions Mane??…

Latest news from Licence 2 Kale What do you know about Lions Mane??…

Latest update from Licence 2 Kale/strong>
2023-08-08 08:48:18

What do you know about Lions Mane??

You can now add lions mane to your coffee, smoothie, juice at our shops in Rye (soon to come to Hastings and St Leonard’s too!!)

“Lion’s mane mushrooms are large, white, shaggy mushrooms that resemble a lion’s mane as they grow. They contain bioactive substances that have many beneficial effects on the body, especially the brain, heart, and gut.”

What other benefits from this amazing mushroom do you know about?!? Comment below ⬇️


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