Latest news from Stooge Coffee 3⃣ Birthday beach babes 3⃣…

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2024-02-16 17:16:09
✨3️⃣☀️ Birthday beach babes ☀️3️⃣✨
Shop dogs Leonora and Filomena turned three today!
If you’re new around here and haven’t met these sisters, they are rescue Podenco Andaluz dogs, who were found with their mum on the streets when they were just days old.
Spanish hunting season ends at the beginning of February, so thousands of podencos, galgos and other working dogs are abandoned, killed and abused at this time of year. They are intelligent, sensitive, loyal and playful beings and it’s wild to us that they are just disposed of by their humans this way. They have little protection under Spanish law.
We adopted our two through @pawspatas and @dogwatchuk but there are lots of other organisations who work tirelessly to save these dogs and give them loving homes throughout Europe. Follow Paws Patas, @hopeforpodencos @galgosdelsol and @sos_podenco_rescue
if you’re interested in supporting them, finding out more or adopting your own pod family member. They make amazing companions – kind of like whippets but more independent and clownish. Grateful to share our lives with these beautiful souls 🧡🐾🤎🐾
#podencosofinstagram #podencoandaluz #adoptdontshop #dogsofhastings #dogsofstooge