Latest news from Stooge Coffee So much love for this gem of a street Perfect day to sit under a brolly and watch the world go by…

Latest news from Stooge Coffee So much love for this gem of a street Perfect day to sit under a brolly and watch the world go by…

Latest update from Stooge Coffee/strong>
2023-05-06 11:55:33


So much love for this gem of a street ❀️ Perfect day to sit under a brolly and watch the world go by πŸ™‚

And maybe pick up something nice from @trinitywholefoods @thehastingsbookshop & @wowandflutterhastings to hunker down with later

We’re open till 4pm today, closed tomorrow as usual then back at it 10–3.30 Mon–Fri, 10–4 Sat next week 🀘

(Longer hours and Summer drinks menu coming soon, just need a bit more rest & slow time to kick the last of the post-viral malaise 🐌)
