Latest news from The True Crime Museum : Did you know The True Crime Museum is Haunted!…

Latest news from The True Crime Museum : Did you know The True Crime Museum is Haunted!…

Latest update from The True Crime Museum
2023-07-13 10:00:04

Did you know The True Crime Museum is Haunted!
While visiting The True Crime Museum, two nurses were close to tears when they adamantly reported to staff that they had a paranormal experience in the Death Chamber close to the Louis Lefevre exhibit. Come visit us to find out about their experience as well as other paranormal happenings here at The True Crime Museum. Alternatively, you read spine chilling stories in our guidebook available from our shop or online from the website link below.
If you’re a ghost hunter or part of a paranormal team and would be interested in investigating The True Crime Museum, pop in for a chat or contact us via our website
