Latest news from The True Crime Museum : Recently a member of our team met with the Paranormal Intelligence Gathering service who visited The…

Latest news from The True Crime Museum : Recently a member of our team met with the Paranormal Intelligence Gathering service who visited The…

Latest update from The True Crime Museum
2023-08-03 10:00:05

Recently a member of our team met with the Paranormal Intelligence Gathering service who visited The True Crime Museum to carry out one of their investigations. They had with them this fascinating device (see pic) used to communicate with spirits called Franks Box. The device was invented by Frank Sumption in 2002 who claimed he received design instruction from the spirits themselves. The Ghost Box as it is also known receives messages from the spirit world by capturing and recording EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena). You can read more about P.I.G.S experience at The True Crime Museum in our guidebook available from our shop or online from the website link below. If you’re a ghost hunter or part of a paranormal team and would be interested in investigating The True Crime Museum, pop in for a chat or contact us via our website
