Latest news from The Yard at Waterworks Road, Hastings: @carolavandyke Sketches for embroideries….

Latest news from The Yard at Waterworks Road, Hastings: @carolavandyke Sketches for embroideries….

Latest update from The Yard at Waterworks Road, Hastings
2023-07-03 10:35:31

@carolavandyke Sketches for embroideries.
It truly has been quite a while ago since I have held a brush in my hand (other than diy).
I usually do some pre-drawings but in general I just start the embroidery project and improvise how the mood takes me. As every new colour thread depends on the one I have used before, I don’t necessarily know beforehand how it will turn out. All depends on light, mood, thoughts and how I see colours at that moment.
I haven’t worked with watercolour before, and I am not quite sure about this medium, but will carry on for a bit as I actually quite enjoyed it.
#sketches #flowers #thistle #drawing #sketchbook #watercolour #embroidery #colour #color #textileartist #carolavandyke
