Latest news from The Yard at Waterworks Road, Hastings: Final call! We’ve been blow away by the quality of submissions. Whoever ends up painting it, this wa…

Latest update from The Yard at Waterworks Road, Hastings
2023-09-28 08:50:16
Final call! We’ve been blow away by the quality of submissions. Whoever ends up painting it, this wall is going to be a stunner! We’re going to have to find some extra walls…
You’ve got until Saturday to email us with a rough sketch of your design.
Do you want to paint our wall..?
We’re got a huge blank space, it’s 2.4m high by 9.7m long. We want one of our fantastic local artists to decorate it.
We’ll pay for the paint (or other materials) and will pay £300 for the work. @halfmanhalfburger will keep you fed and watered whilst you’re doing it. We expect it to be up until next spring and will work with you to make sure the art finds a lovely new home once it’s no longer needed. We’ve got aircraft steps, scaffold towers and barriers, so can help with all the logistics.
We want super cheerful and bright. The wall is right outside HalfMan!, and is totally unmissable. You’ll be the backdrop to a lot of Christmas party photos!
You’ll be in good company, with art from @robwassart, @kittyellery and @bill.greenheadart already around The Yard.
Please send us a sketch to by the end of September. We’ll be in touch with the chosen artist at the beginning of October.
Any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. 🙂
#graffiti #streetart #hastings #hastingsartists #hastingscreatives #lovehastings