Latest news from The Yard at Waterworks Road, Hastings: @greateropacity Been in the new studio space @theyard.waterworksroad for a couple months now and it’…

Latest news from The Yard at Waterworks Road, Hastings: @greateropacity Been in the new studio space @theyard.waterworksroad for a couple months now and it’…

Latest update from The Yard at Waterworks Road, Hastings
2023-10-20 08:13:42

@greateropacity Been in the new studio space @theyard.waterworksroad for a couple months now and it’s finally starting to take shape! Got another table to build, and some more stuff to go on the wall but it’s all coming together. Will be open for the Xmas market on Dec 3rd for anyone that wants to stop by, might even have some bits for sale!
