Latest news from The Yard at Waterworks Road, Hastings: @holly.dawes There’s something truly special about digging your own clay from the earth and using it…
Latest update from The Yard at Waterworks Road, Hastings
2023-06-06 13:19:01
@holly.dawes There’s something truly special about digging your own clay from the earth and using it to make pottery. I had the opportunity to go out and collect some local clay from my nearby beach. After sifting and preparing the clay, I was able to create this beautiful pot entirely from scratch. It’s a humbling experience to work with natural materials and to see the transformation from raw clay to a finished piece. There’s a deep connection to the earth and to the ancient tradition of pottery-making that comes with working with local clay. I encourage everyone to try it out for themselves and experience the beauty of this craft.
I struggle to make content and especially to write descriptions, how do people come up with new stuff to write on every post??
So anyway this post was written by chatGPT which makes me feel like a fraud but oh well it fits the work and I did dig the clay
#pottery #handmade #localclay #craftsmanship #potterymaking #potteryprocess #clayart