It’s been bloomin’ marvelous…

It’s been bloomin’ marvelous…

Hastings town centre flowers

The extra hanging baskets, flowering troughs and tubs the BID put up on behalf of businesses around the town this summer have had some great responses from people who loved the way they brightened things up.

However, like all good things the flowers have come to an end, and at our request IdVerde’s staff have this week been going round removing the wilting blooms.

We’re now talking to them about whether a better option for next year might be some more perennial planting to make the town centre greener all year round.

Not only might this look better throughout the whole year, but it could also save money in the longer term.

We are however interested in talking to any businesses who might be interested in putting up hanging baskets on their shop fronts for next year so we can think about co-ordinating efforts and getting a single contract in place that you can take advantage of.