Love Hastings AGM 2024

The 2023/24 AGM will be held at the White Rock Hotel (Notley Room) on Tuesday 11th Jue at 6pm – 8pm.

Space is limited so please RSVP fo

Cementing our partnership with local businessesDirectors voted recently to retain the ‘Love Hastings’ brand as an umbrella public-facing marketing device for the town as a whole – allowing us to continue to promote Hastings as widely as possible by capitalising on the combined attractions of both Old Town and St Leonards.

This is in recognition of the fact that what is good for helping our neighbours pull in more visitors is also great for the town centre.Alongside this, however, and particularly in light of the increased lobbying and campaigning work that the BID has become involved in on behalf of our members (be that challenging Southern Water on the floods and water outages, trying to tackle to state of ESCC highways and pavement repairs, or lobbying to get the best possible solution from the forthcoming £10m makeover of the town centre through the Town Deal project), it has also been agreed to adopt a distinct new ‘brand’.

‘Hastings Town Centre Business Partnership’

All current BID levy payment bill-payers are automatically members of this group, but as for larger national chains the bill-payer is generally based in a distant head office we are keen to get more engagement from local branch managers to enable us to better communicate with everyone who has a direct business interest in the town centre.

We will have monthly Tuesday drop-in network sessions in the future, alternating between breakfasts (8-9am) and evening opportunities (6-7pm) – the first will be on 18th June for breakfast at 1066 Cafe on the corner of Priory Meadow (upstairs). Evening sessions will be at the White Rock Hotel in the bar area, with the first on 16th July.
Formal AGM

Nomination of directors and roles
Annual report and finances (2023/24)

Financial statement
2023-4 Report (Love Hastings)

2023-4 Report (BCRP)

Open Meeting

The long term plan for towns – how should Hastings spend £20m over the next ten years on regenerating high streets, making the town safer, and improving transport connections?

Hasting town centre ‘Green Connections’ – update on latest news about the £10m plan to green the town centre and generally improve the public realm.

Hastings vs Southern Water – floods, sewage, and most recently a huge loss of water. What action do you think needs taking to secure us from future problems?

A free maintenance club for the town centre – helping building owners with simple jobs to protect their property frontages. Could you benefit?It’s your BID, it’s your money – are we spending it on the right things?
Our business plan

If you need a reminder about what we do and what our achievements were in our first five years you can find our business plan on the link below.

Business Plan