Trinity Triangle maintenance club – Dec 2023 free cleaning and basic repairs offer

If you own or are responsible for a building in the Trinity Triangle you could benefit from the upcoming Trinity Triangle Historic Action Zone (TTHAZ) Maintenance Club winter clean.
The winter clean is scheduled for 4th December for around one week, where Sam and his team from Eco Clean East Sussex have been contracted to complete routine maintenance works at height using different cherry picker lifts or special vacuums – or via alleyways where historically access has been an issue. These works include clearing gutters and blocked hoppers, and removing plants, nests, moss and other debris from roofs.
This is the last clean funded by Historic England as part of the TTHAZ 4-year regeneration programme, so it’s free for members.
The winter clean is only available for the three streets in the Trinity Triangle at the moment – Robertson Street, Claremont and Trinity Street, as this is within the Historic Action Zone.
However we are exploring whether this programme could be delivered by or in conjunction with the Business Improvement District and potentially expanded to other parts of the town centre and high street so we’d be keen to hear thoughts on this idea.
To opt in or if you have any questions, please contact Donna who currently runs the programme on 07597 030 461 or
You’d need to fill in a simple form to opt in, and she needs to gather opt ins no later than the 16th November so that the contractor can have enough time to plan the schedule of works.
A bit more info on the TTHAZ Maintenance Club:
– This has been an adaptive and experimental programme, to try and figure out how to facilitate or support collaborative community maintenance.
– It targets works that are relatively cheap and simple but where neglecting them can lead to big costly works in the future, disrupting local business operations and the quality of life of residents.
– The project wanted to find the most efficient, cost-effective actions that could have the biggest impact on safeguarding the built fabric of the Trinity Triangle
Some further details are on this website: